Test Your Knowledge of Garlic II
1. Garlic is amoung the most ancient of cultivated plants. Where is it believed to have originated?
- A. Central Asia
- B. Australia
- C. South America
2. Which of the following is another name for garlic?
- A. Happy Herb
- B. The Stinking Rose
- C. Savory Lily
3. Most of the garlic produced commercially in the United States is grown in what state?
- A. Arizona
- B. New Mexico
- C. California
4. Which of the following claims have been attributed to garlic?
- A. May lower blood pressure
- B. Helps prevent blood clotting
- C. May suppress the development of stomache cancer
- D. Revs up the immune system
- E. Helps bronchitis, colds, infectious diseases
- F. Controls garden aphids
- G. Wards off black spot from roses
- H. Keeps vampires away
- I. Controls dandruff
- J. All of the above
5. Botanically, garlic bulbs are which part of the plant?
- A. Root
- B. Stem
- C. Leaf